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  1. #1
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Thumbs down Honda Odyssey 02 Trans slips, any others?

    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?

  2. #2
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Similar troubles

    My wife and I own a 2002 Odyssey. Our transmission failed at ~45,000 miles. Weeks of letter writing and phone calls were required to get the cost of replacement covered by either Honda or the company which provided the extended warranty, both of which were unresponsive at best - more frequently plainly rude.

    I drive the car much less than my wife and have never experienced its worst symptoms, but today I was driving on a mountain highway in a rainstorm and on several occasions, as I was applying brakes at highway speed, the tranny downshifted early. The added engine braking made for a couple of awkward moments. This is the first I have noticed of this but my wife said she had noticed it developing in transmission number one before its failure.

    I am no transmission expert, but, it seems like the failings are in selecting the wrong gear (no upshifts, early downshifts) or making sluggish shifts. Perhaps this means that the problems are not the result of friction elements (clutches & bands) not being up to the task of 240hp, but instead that either software, or hydraulic control circuits or related components are not up to their tasks. I am way out of my depth in saying that but I have been thinking about this for a while now and I offer that as my current thinking.

    Anyway, my wife is currently sleeping or I'd get more details down. I will try to make that happen later, in the meantime check this link:

  3. #3
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    try this thread instead

    There is more concrete information in the above thread. It looks like it is premature wear of a clutch. Read the postings from "Don Hopp" and especially "accordian".

  4. #4
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    lemon/this is odd

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three daatalk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?

    I don't think that this is a design flaw, I think that you just have a messed up tranny that needs to be replaced or rebuilt I don't have one of these ars but I don't think I've ever heard of a broblem like this one. Get the new tranny.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Thumbs down Odyssey Transmissions

    I have a 2002 Odyssey with 35k miles. Very recently I've experience my transmission slipping on acceleration and hills. It's in the shop as I'm typing this. The Honda technician says the transmission will have to be replaced. He says that Honda has admitted quietly that the transmission is not ideal with the 240 HP engine. The vehicle weight, the engine HP and typical driving patterns create the problem. Honda is claiming 2% failure rate. They added extended warranties to the 2000 and 2001 years because of this problem. They haven't added the extended warranty to the 02 model yet but the technician expects Honda will. But no guarantees. If you're on the standard warranty and have more than 36k miles, keep fighting with Honda if your transmission fails. They may still cover the cost. Honda service will not rebuild the transmission. They will only replace.
    Last edited by mojojojo3698; 03-15-2004 at 13:46. Reason: Add more feedback

  6. #6
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Unhappy Honda Odyssey 02 Transmission problems

    I own a 2002 Odyssey purchased in Feb, 2002.

    At 45,000 mi my wife started complaining about the transmission not shifting properly between 2nd and 3rd gear. The engine would rev above its normal shift rpm and shift hard into 3rd gear or shift into neutral and not go into 3rd gear for 2-3 seconds and only if you let-off the accelerator to idle.

    My wife took it to the dealer and the problem was not reproduced. I do not believe the mechanic believed her about the problem. The dealer said there was no problem and Odyssey's have not had any problems with the tranmissions.

    Since driving it myself, I have experienced the problem and it occurs on a daily basis. I have reduced the frequency of the occurrence by letting off the accelerator just as the rpm went above the normal shift rpms - then usually the transmission will shift from 2nd to 3rd.

    There has been a transmission recall by Honda for inspection. Could this be the same or a different problem?

  7. #7
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    We also have a Odyssey 02 with 43k on it and we have also had the same problem with second gear, sometimes while coming out of a turn, or taking off from a light, it's like when it goes to shift to second it just drops the gear, and revs the tach. Then like the rest just ease of the gas then re apply, and the gear is back. Maybe presure related. Just seems like a PSI problem.

    We had the warranty trans update done. Apparently they installed a jet pump or something like that, and re filled second gear. I didn't know each gear had it's own resivore, or maybe he was feeding me a load, but it still drops the gear every now and then.

    Also have had instances were i would be at freeway speed and the TCS light and chk engine light would simotainiosly come on together and the trans would downshift or lunge, and unless i stop and park it , turn the engine off, and restart, it would delay shifting in all gears untill about 3500 rpm.

    What is up with that? we don't have 5200 and if we have to pay, I would have serious doubts about letting the Dealer preform the work.


  8. #8
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    Lightbulb Honda Odyssey 02 Trans dead

    This forum has been extremely helpful in resolving my trans problem. A year ago, I noticed that while driving, the car had a hesitation going from 1st to 2nd gear. My revolutions would reach 4 but I would be under 30 miles per hour. I would accelerate the car without increasing the mileage, like if the car was in parking and me hitting the gas. It happened once in a blue moon, but then it started happening more often. I took the car to service many times, and they kept telling me that they couldn't reproduce the problem. The good thing is that by going to the dealership I had proof of the many check-ups they did. Also I proved loyalty to them.
    As soon as this hesitation became frequent, they told me that the solenoids (not sure if it's correctly written) needed to be changed. It was a $800 job approx. and I paid for it. This week, the engine light came on and the problem persisted, so the diagnose was a dead trans. The repair cost: $5000.

    I jump into the internet to find out if there were any publised problems with trans on the Honda Odyssey and to my surprised I found millions of cases, even articles from newspaper and TV that have come out regarding this problem. I printed everything and went to the dealership. When they saw me so prepared, without opening my mouth they told me that my trans would be fixed at no cost plus they would give me a rental car. I told all the customers in the service area the problem they would face with the Odyssey, and I gave them my phone number so I can tell them what I knew. Honda didn't what to have a customer like me on their back, I was truly ready to go to the local news if they didn't step up and fixed the problem. I encourage each one of you to do the same thing and have them be responsible for the mistakes. We bought the best van in the market and paid a goodwill for it, and we expect service. We are not driving a Caravan, so please fight for your rights.

  9. #9
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    I found out today that when the dealer does the recall and inspects the trans prior to updating, that they use a inspection window of some sorts and they take like 8 digital photos and send them via email to Honda. Honda then calls them and tels them to update, or replace the transmission if this Gear they are looking at has wear on it or not.

    Hopefully it won't be long before they extend the warrantys on the 02's


  10. #10
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    You're out of luck!

    I too have an 02 Odyssey, at least you got 40k out of your trans. I only got 18k. The rebuilt Honda trans lasted 9000 then it was replaced again. Another, 1000 miles, ooops, failed again, now 1500 miles later on the 3rd trans its starting again....It seems that once you have a problem look out because Honda does not fix the problem. I'm looking to get rid of my van with only 32000 miles but of course it's not worth that much in trade. Honda will do nothing to extend my warranty or buy the van back. This is a terrible product from a terrible company.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?

  11. #11
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    2002 Odyssey transmission failure

    I notice that no one has added to this thread since August, but I'll try to see if anyone is still watching. I also have a 2002 Odyssey with a dead transmission. Honda has a recall out about the burned 2nd gear problem, but this is not that problem. The car has 111,000 miles, more than normal for its age, and I suspect that I'm having a problem that many other owners will see when they hit this mileage. Honda will probably want to contend that replacement of the transmission after 100,000 miles is not unreasonable, but I don't buy it. Anyone else agree with me?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?
    I too have a 02 odyssey that we purchased in Dec.01. My transmission has always felt rough and "clunky" and Honda has continually told me that this was normal. 3 weeks ago the car would occassionally not go into 2nd gear driving between 20-35 mph. I would have to take my foot off the pedal till the car slowed back down below 20mph and then slowly press the gas to get the 2nd gear to pick up ( this is quite scarry when your trying to accelerate onto interstate. ) I took the car into Honda with these issues and they could not re-enact this problem . Yesterday(21/2 weeks later) the check engine light finally came on with the TCS light. I stopped the car, then restarted it and the TCS light went off but the Check Engine stayed on. Today I took it into Honda and they told me that I now needed a new transmission at a cost of $5000!!! I currently have 52,000 miles on the van so I have no warrenty left. We bought the van after long research and customer satisfaction reviews. I have never heard of a Honda vehicle losing it's transmission at such a young age. Aren't Hondas supposed to go at least 200,000 miles or more?! Our previous van was a Toyota Previa which we sold at 189,000 miles and still going!! We still owe 2 years on the loan for our van and it sits undrivable at the Honda dealership.Anyone have any answers?

  13. #13
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    Angry Honda Odyssey 2nd Gear Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by hondamomma
    I too have a 02 odyssey that we purchased in Dec.01. My transmission has always felt rough and "clunky" and Honda has continually told me that this was normal. 3 weeks ago the car would occassionally not go into 2nd gear driving between 20-35 mph. I would have to take my foot off the pedal till the car slowed back down below 20mph and then slowly press the gas to get the 2nd gear to pick up ( this is quite scarry when your trying to accelerate onto interstate. ) I took the car into Honda with these issues and they could not re-enact this problem . Yesterday(21/2 weeks later) the check engine light finally came on with the TCS light. I stopped the car, then restarted it and the TCS light went off but the Check Engine stayed on. Today I took it into Honda and they told me that I now needed a new transmission at a cost of $5000!!! I currently have 52,000 miles on the van so I have no warrenty left. We bought the van after long research and customer satisfaction reviews. I have never heard of a Honda vehicle losing it's transmission at such a young age. Aren't Hondas supposed to go at least 200,000 miles or more?! Our previous van was a Toyota Previa which we sold at 189,000 miles and still going!! We still owe 2 years on the loan for our van and it sits undrivable at the Honda dealership.Anyone have any answers?
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. We got the recall notice in August 04, and took it in for servicing that month at a Manassas, Virginia Honda dealership. The dealer at the time said that there was nothing wrong with my automatic transmission, and they did not have to replace it, but instead did a stop-gap measure that provided the lubrication to the gears. It's four months later, I am now on Thanksgiving vacation 800 miles away from home. The Odyssey started having problems getting out of 2nd gear about halfway through our trip from Virginia to Indiana. The rpm would rev up, and the car would not easily shift into 3rd. About 120 miles from our destination, the TCS and the malfunction indicator light came on. Same thing as the above post. I took in the Odyssey to the local Honda dealership in Indiana. They said something about a "colossal coincidence" about my problems with 2nd gear and that it was probably not related to the recall. Anybody buying that? They also mentioned a possible computer "glitch" and something about gear ratios!

    My wife is 8 months pregnant, and I have a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. I cannot believe that Honda is going leave a US Army soldier and his family stranded in Indiana, stick them with a $5200.00 bill for a new transmission, and then go to sleep comfortably at night.

  14. #14
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    Moncton, NB, Canada
    im no expert and have no idea what exactly is causing these malfunctions.. having said that.. more often then not.. trany failure is due to excess heat... an easy way to combat this is a tranny cooler.. if you havent done so alreay.. its a good idea.. at worst.. it will delay the innevitable.. at best.. it will solve the cause of the problems.. worth a try IMHO
    As I lay the rubber to the street,
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    My engine breaths charged air in deep,
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    I pray the Lord my seals will keep
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  15. #15
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    There definately is a problem here - evidence is overwhelming

    All of the above posts about slipping trannys on the '02 Odyssey are all *right on*. We have experienced the same problems with 2nd gear (after the recall work was done) at 84,000 miles. The dealer has told me *EXACTLY* the same thing. They cannot reproduce it, that the computer says that the error is an "incorrect gear ratio" - which they suspect is an incorrect error. Trust me, I will fight Honda on this one, and like the previous post, they will hate to have a customer like me. I certainly will NOT pay $5000 for a new tranny. In fact, I will not pay anything for a new tranny when the problem is clearly a systemic problem with these Odys.


  16. #16
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    Honda Odyssey 02 Transmission slip

    Wife and I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey van purchased in November 2001. Van has 30,800 miles on it. It's now Jan 2005 and we are 2 months out of warranty. Starting in late December 2004, my wife started telling me of problems where the engine would rev between 2nd and 3rd gear. She would have to let her foot off of the gas for a few seconds, then reapply and the van would start going again. Did alot of research on the Internet (including this forum) and found that many people are complaining about transmission slipping. Should also note that the transmission recall work was performed in summer of 2004 (Jet oil kit was installed).

    Took the van to the dealership and reported the problem with the transmission slipping between 2nd and 3rd gear. We were also armed with various print-outs of the posts we found on the Internet. Dealer was very nice and gave us a loaner van even though our van was no longer under warranty. After a few weeks, dealer called us and said that they had duplicated the problem, called Honda, and Honda will replace the transmission free of charge. I asked the service manager for an explanation and he told me that they suspect a problem with the 3rd gear clutch pack. Honda does not fix transmissions, they only replace. They also put in a new PCM computer module that somehow controls the engine and transmission. Service manager was vague about what this new computer module fixed, he said something about it controlling shifting. I asked if this new transmission could potentially have the same problem and the dealer said the only difference between the new transmission and the old one is the fact that it already has the fix for the recall that was issued in summer of 04. So, I can only assume that the 3rd gear clutch pack could potentially be problem again sometime in the future. Dealer says that this is the first transmission they have replaced due to slipping.

    Hope this helps anyone else having the same problem. If you do have the same problem, do your research, print out these posts, and hopefully Honda will take care of it.

  17. #17
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    Honda Odyssey 02 Transmission slip

    mbbm, thank you for your post.
    I'm in exactly the same boat as you were and hoping that Honda takes care of the problem like they did yours! May hit you for more info on how you got Honda to agree to fix it for free.
    2002 Honda Ody bought in Nov 2001, had the transmission recall minimum work done (Jet oil kit installed) in Sep 2004, now at 80K miles, the real problem has surfaced....the engine will just rev between 1st and 2nd OR 2nd and 3rd gear (not sure) at a particular location in town every day!!?? I then put the hazard lights on...bring it to a halt and then start again. I then drive 55 miles without a problem..??? (been happening for a week now!)

    Got an appointment at the dealer tomorrow...on the phone the bum says the the recall had nothing to do with the 2nd gear had to do with not enough lubrication and freezing fears. It may be true but I can't imagine this is not related, specially with all I've been reading about peoples experiences with the problem.

    If anyone else was able to get Honda to fix this for them, please write.
    I also undertand that Honda has some kind of an extention on the transmission warranty...(7 year??)

  18. #18
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    arent jap cars 10 ft tall and bullet proof??

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?
    heck from all ive read about japanese cars they are perfect.. 10 feet tall and bullet proof.. if that was a GM or Ford problem the nightly news would be blaring it on every network.. look how they tried to put the Ford Explorer out of business .. seems the quality youve been lead to believe came from writers with an agenda against american car companies.. my old Buick .. 1990 century.. bought new.. have 233,000 miles .. no oil burning.. no tranny problems.. never spent a cent except tires and battery.. a.c. even still works.. not too bad for an "inferior" AMERICAN car.. eh???

  19. #19
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    Another one joins the frey

    I ran across this forum after searching online for Honda Odyssey Transmission Parts. Wonder why I was searching for this? Well our 2002 Odyssey's transmission will no longer go into 3rd gear. It is comforting to know that we am not the only one with this problem. Coincidentally, Honda a few weeks back sent us a recall notice for the transmission and it was scheduled to go into the shop this past Monday for it. I will be sending this forum stream to my wife so that when she starts talking with Honda about the problem we will be a little ahead of the game.

    Thanks for all the information

  20. #20
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    Talking your problem is called HONDA

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?
    i recently was walking into the indian casino in oklahoma... past an old buick.. probably 91 or 92 model... out of curiostiy i looked into the car at the odometer... it registered over 408,000 miles.. lol... got any hondas with that kind of service?? ha ha .. i doubt... by the way.. the old buick still looked pretty good. u import owners are being sold a bill of goods.. lol.... all i know is my wife has a 99 buick which we took to zion national park... averaged over 34 mpg... with air running part time... maybe 50% ... early june of this year 2005... my wife is talking about trading in her buick when it reaches 400, 000 miles.. got a ways to go.. has only 95,000 presently... she had to buy new tires recently..bought american tires of course... the good ones you know... not imports...also had to put on new front brake rotors... american... ( WAGNER ) cost twice the price of the import rotors but since shes american she didnt mind... she didnt like rice rotors.. cant say i blame her... how bout you???

  21. #21
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    Dealer and Honda resolved the problem with '02 Odyssey

    Quote Originally Posted by kforton
    I ran across this forum after searching online for Honda Odyssey Transmission Parts. Wonder why I was searching for this? Well our 2002 Odyssey's transmission will no longer go into 3rd gear. It is comforting to know that we am not the only one with this problem. Coincidentally, Honda a few weeks back sent us a recall notice for the transmission and it was scheduled to go into the shop this past Monday for it. I will be sending this forum stream to my wife so that when she starts talking with Honda about the problem we will be a little ahead of the game.
    Thanks for all the information. We have a 2002 Honda Odyssey van purchased in December 2001 (similar to mbbm & hondaOdy). In May 2005 with 41,200 miles on the van we were 5 months and 5000+ miles out of warranty, we started experiencing major problems. Starting in late February 2005, my wife started telling me of problems where the engine would not shift down to a lower gear either after slowing down or uphill. She would have to let her foot off of the gas for a few seconds, then press again and the van would start going again. Did a lot of research on the Internet and found this forum and others where many people are complaining about transmission slippage on Odysseys, Pilots and MDXs from Honda. Our transmission recall work was performed in September of 2004 (Jet oil kit was installed). I could not repeat the problem. Then we switched vehicles and drove it for a week before I could reproduce the problem. The Engine/Transmission light came on along with TCS when it won’t shift up to 3rd gear from the 2nd.

    We talked to our nephew who has a 2001 Accord. He had a problem with the transmission and Honda replaced it for free due to a recall. I called Honda on his advise and explained the problem. Honda promptly said my Odyssey problem has nothing to do with the earlier recall and said to have it diagnosed by the dealer. Honda said they will close the case and said they may assist with the resolution based on what the diagnosis is. Took the van to the dealership and reported the problem with the transmission slipping between 2nd and 3rd gear. We had read various print-outs of the posts we found on the Internet (see the links below). This was diagnosed to be “Incorrect Gear Selection”. Dealer said my van was out of warranty and they didn’t find any extensions on my vehicle when they searched all the service bulletins. Dealership didn’t do anything to fix the problem, they just reset the code and road tested for a couple of days. They said bring it back if it occurs again when they couldn’t reproduce the problem. They said the error code may indicate a mechanical problem in the Transmission if it occurs again and they have to talk to Honda to figure out what to do.

    After a few weeks, I had duplicated the problem – this time it won’t down shift coming off of a ramp to go uphill. I took it in to the dealer ship and the diagnosis was similar but slightly different error - “Incorrect Gear Ratio”. Dealer again insisted it had nothing to do with the recall. He said he will talk to Honda to see what they say. I showed the bunch of printouts I had with me that described the problem. The dealer called Honda while I was there and Honda agreed to replace the transmission free of charge with the remanufactured transmission. He said it’s new parts inside an old housing. He said it will take 3 -4 days to get it and another 1 to 1.5 days to replace it. I could get a loner from the Dealer or Honda Customer Relations. The dealer replaced the transmission in day and half with no clost to us. Thanks to the dealer and Honda, It’s now a couple of months and 3000 miles and the new rebuilt transmission is holding up.

    Hope this helps anyone else having the same problem. If you do have the same problem, do your research, print out these posts, and hopefully Honda will take care of it. - (Honda customer received literature from Honda indicating that the warranty has now been extended on the transmission up to 100,000 miles on 2001 and 2002 models) (News on ABC on the recall of 600,000 Honda vehicles) (similar problems with MDX) (Not Such a Smooth Ride for Honda Owner; Honda extending the warranty to seven years or 100,000 miles.) (HONDA MOTOR: Extends Warranties on Cars with Problematic Transmissions) (National Highway Traffic Safety Association) SAFETY RECALL CAMPAIGNS April 2004 from Honda) (Center For auto Safety - Honda spokesman Chuck Schifsky on the recall)

    Honda Customer Relations - 1-800-999-1009

  22. #22
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    Honda's doing above and beyond

    If you have similar symptoms in your '02 Odyssey, and read all the "horror" stories above, you may have real concerns by now. I know I did. I was real scared and certainly didn't feel like forking $5k+ on a 3+ year old car with 29k miles (bought in Dec. '01).

    So take it easy: there's about a 4-months gap between this reply and the one before it, and I think by now, Honda figured out how to handle this issue – they're doing a good job. Please read on.

    1. They're not hiding anything anymore. In fact the service reps were discussing my case with me present in the room and referred to it as the "classic transmission issue".
    2. As of now, there is no formal warranty extension from Honda, for 02 models, regarding this transmission case. However, when I described the problem to the service rep I was very polite and said "I have a really bad feeling about it – I read about this problem on the Internet and it doesn't look good". That's it. No more. His answer: "I wouldn't even think having you pay for a new transmission. With your mileage, this is absurd". I came in, early bird, armed with gobs of printouts (this forum) hidden in my briefcase, ready for a real war, to the bitter end. It wasn't necessary. Not at all.
    3. He actually told me that Honda would replace transmissions with way more mileage on them, suffering from the problem. (I want to say, any number below 100k, but take my estimate here very carefully, please. And I'm not sure about the years either.)
    4. Many of you may have received by now, a letter fro Honda, about warranty extension for "EGR valve". This has nothing to do with the transmission problem. However:
    a. Sometimes, symptoms related to a malfunctioning EGR valve may be mistaken for transmission problem.
    b. Specifically, if you see your RPM needle up there on the 3-5 area and the vehicle is not accelerating – it's no EGR!!
    5. Why do I say "above and beyond"? Not only the transmission was free, with NO hassles, Honda paid for the loner car and even fixed a malfunctioning SRS unit (red light came on) free of charge. Out of warranty.
    6. Interesting: The faulty transmissions were indeed outsourced (OHIO?) and the contractor if footing the bill for the replacements.
    7. I was trying to get some information regarding the malfunction itself, but I'm not sure I understood the explanation very well. The way it was put to me, I'm not sure that even the service people really know. They apply external tests to the transmission, and if these fail they send the whole thing away and put a new one. The technical explanation contained words like "parts failing", "pressure", "leaking", "inability to transfer power", etc.

    To summarize this very long post (sorry...): If your case fits the more-or-less obvious "statistics" posted above, reasonable mileage, etc., expect the problem to be handled well.

    Personally, I believe Honda should simply extend the warranty. They already agreed to carry the burden of fixing it anyway, so why not give all owners the peace of mind and get the good reputation they deserve?

    I hope this helps.
    Last edited by nvansover; 08-12-2005 at 14:35.

  23. #23
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Aug 2005

    I work on Acuras and Hondas for a Living.

    These trans fail all the time.
    I replace 2 a week sometimes.I have gotten so good at doing them I can knock one out in 2.2 hours!
    Honda is warranting all of them at our shop.

    I would not pay to have it fixed.
    I would not own one that is not under warranty.

    From what I heard a bearing is going bad and contaminating the trans.

    The second gear thing is from lack of lubrication, this is a separate problem.
    I keep seeing more and more powerful engines every year with the same weak trans that could not even hold up to the earlier engines with less power.

    I dont mind the problem personally.
    Job security!

  24. #24
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Aug 2005
    Wife was driving on highway and trans STOPPED. It was as if she threw it in PARK at 50 mph. It's a 2002 Odyssey with 70K mi on it. Front tires were ruined from them screeching to a stop on the road. Honda replaced the trans and the tires with no cost to us. I did purchase the ext. warranty at purchase so I don't know if it was covered under that or what. I'm still pissed off though, because she is damn lucky she wasn't rear-ended and hurt or killed. I guess I'm stuck with it, don't see any other options.

  25. #25
    Junior Member Registered Member
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    Oct 2005

    Odyssey transmission

    What was the result of this? My 2001 Odyssey just started this behavior only shifting into 3rd gear. All others are fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Clark
    I have a 2002 Honda Odyssey that I bought in Nov 2001. Has 40k now. A lot of highway miles to visit kids. Asked during required trans oil chage about the transmission not shifting as smooth as before. Dealer said there is no problem. The trans started to slip between gears and let the motor rev up until you took your foot off the gas. The dealer now said that thte transmission needs to be replaced. They do not work on any parts of the transmission and only swap out the transmission with a rebuilt unit. They want $5200 to do this. I said this is unacceptable. Told to call Honda 800 number to see if Honda will pay. I was told they will have a rep call back. Three days latter a rep did call to get iformation on the problem. They want to talk to the dealer who changed the transmission oil. This was 2 days ago.

    This car was not driven in city traffic. I think the transmission can not take the 240HP. I also see that the extended the warranty of 2000 and 2001 odyssey transmissions.

    Does anyone else have this problem with their Odyssey?

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