Thoughts on my setup...

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  • 06-05-2004, 01:28
    Thoughts on my setup...
    just wondering what you all think of this setup I'm putting together.

    -Headunit: Pioneer DEH P47DH Headunit
    -Front Stage: CDT CL-62 Components(in transit)
    -Front Amp: SoundStream Rubicon 300-2
    -Rear Fill: CDT CL-6x(in transit)
    -Rear Amp: Headunit
    -Sub: Elemental Design e12O.14(in transit)
    -Sub Amp: SoundStream Rubicon 300-2
    -Sub Box: Custom sealed 1.5net cubic ft w/ 30 oz. polyfill
    -Wiring: Knukonceptz(4 gauge to fused distro block, 2 8gauges out)
    -75 sq ft B-Quiet sound deadener.
    -"Big 3" underhood wiring upgrade

    going for a cheap(got awesome deals on everything pretty much) good sounding setup with SQ over SPL but needs to get loud enough to hear over my tires and exhaust on the highway with windows down. I think this setups should do just fine. I will replace my headunit in time.
  • 06-05-2004, 13:43
    Easy E
    Got a nice components upfront the cdplayer shouldnt be that bad, got some nice amps as well. Let see umm the woofer its alright but I dont like ED for many reasons. So yea, it should be fine. Better then teh typical street boomer. Looks like u took the advice of the board.
  • 06-05-2004, 20:39
    ZJChaser last reply didn't go through. ok.

    why don't you like the eD subs? I havn't had any experience with them, mine will get here on wednesday.

    the HU sucks cause it only has one 2V preout. so for the time being I'm going to have to use the crossovers and filters on the amps and each will only see about 1V of input. I will replace it later with either a Alpine 9833 or Eclipse 5444(I think thats the one)

    Considering I payed under $700 for everything I think I did alright.
  • 06-06-2004, 20:47

    Originally Posted by ZJChaser last reply didn't go through. ok.

    why don't you like the eD subs? I havn't had any experience with them, mine will get here on wednesday.

    the HU sucks cause it only has one 2V preout. so for the time being I'm going to have to use the crossovers and filters on the amps and each will only see about 1V of input. I will replace it later with either a Alpine 9833 or Eclipse 5444(I think thats the one)

    Considering I payed under $700 for everything I think I did alright.

    Trust me, you don't want to get him going again. Nearly every time someone asks him whats wrong with ED, we end up with a 40 post discussion of why or why not they have problems.

    To put is a simple as possible, some of us have issues with the way ED upholds themselves as a company.

    The system looks pretty good to me other than the rear fill. I personally would have just left the stock speakers back there. Of course that sub is not what I would have used either, but performance wise, it will still do the job better than most mainstream crap.
  • 06-28-2004, 01:12
    Have you hooked up the CL-62's yet? I am looking to get a set and was wondering where you got them from and how much.


  • 06-28-2004, 20:40
    hey why not ditch the rear fill and use the money you save on the back speakers and get a beter head unit